Region View Modes

"A surprisingly simple, flexible layout solution made possible by placing fields in regions. Region View Modes is just a bit of glue to join Drupal's theme regions and View Modes."


CKEditor is new favorite rich text editor however I prefer to use the WYSIWYG module because it seems to have better media module support. This module, however, is needed if you plan to use the Scald module. If unsure, then I suggest using the WYSIWYG module instead.

Field Conditional States

With the Field Conditional State module you can change the state of any supported fields form element depending on the content of other fields. This is done by providing an UI for Drupal's States API. All the changes made to a form by FCS (Field Conditional States) utilize only the States API and therefore are clientside only.

Field HTML trim

From the project page on d.o. "This module provides a neat solution for cutting off the text without taking any HTML tags into consideration. It uses a regular expression containing all the words of a trimmed textual representation of the field value to extract the wanted block of HTML."


"Pathologic is an input filter which can correct paths in links and images in your Drupal content in situations which would otherwise cause them to “break;” for example, if the URL of the site changes, or the content was moved to a different server. Pathologic can also solve the problem of missing images and broken links in your site’s RSS feeds."

Label Trash

A nice way to add placeholders to input fields. "This module auto-converts form input fields with space-hogging labels into compact mobile-friendly input fields, with placeholders that animate into much smaller labels the moment text is keyed in. "