Adding a debounce to Drupal JS behaviors

Here's how I debounce JS with an example in a Drupal JS behavior. For more information on Drupal behaviors, see the links at the bottom of the page.
(function ($) {
  'use strict';
  Drupal.behaviors.exampleResizeBehavior = {
    attach: function (context) {
      // Resize timeout event ID.
      var resizeTimeoutId;
      // Resize timeout duration in milliseconds.
      var resizeTimeoutDuration = 100;
       * Debounces resizing behaviors.
      var resizeDebounce = function () {
        resizeTimeoutId = setTimeout(doneResizing, resizeTimeoutDuration);
       * Main screen resize logic.
       * This function is called after the screen is finished resizing.
      var doneResizing = function () {
        alert(Drupal.t('Fugazi is a rad band!'));
       * Window resize events.


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