Nov 8th, 2013
The UI for Features is nice but sometimes it takes a while to load, especially if the site has lots of modules. Here is a sample drush command for making a new module called 'superfeature' in a particular folder that includes the filtered_html format and uses --d to see debug information:
drush fe --d --destination="sites/all/modules/custom" superfeature filter:filtered_html
To see what things can be exported, you can use another drush command, fc:
drush fc
Just try to use it and you'll see how it works. First you get a list of categories to choose from and after you choose a category, it will tell you the specific exportables.
To add to an already existing feature, the same syntax can be used (features export). In the next example, I'll add the compact_discs node type to the same feature. This time, I'm leaving off the destination because it will use the destination set when the feature was originally exported. I'm also not interested in debug mode so I left off --d:
drush fe superfeature node:compact_discs