Drupal Adding custom forms to Mollom

Update: As of April 2, 2018, Mollom will reach end of life. See https://www.mollom.com/eol

In this example, we add the print_mail_form from the print module to Mollum's list of available forms to protect.

After adding this module code, clear the caches and visit /admin/config/content/mollom to enable Mollom on this form.

 * Implements hook_mollom_form_list().
function mymodule_mollom_form_list() {
  $forms['print_mail_form'] = array(
    'title' => 'Print Mail Form',
  return $forms;
 * Implements hook_mollom_form_info().
function mymodule_mollom_form_info($form_id) {
  switch ($form_id) {
    case 'print_mail_form':
      $form_info = array(
        'mode' => MOLLOM_MODE_CAPTCHA,
      return $form_info;


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