Drupal cache operations

For all cache operations, see /includes/cache.inc
Also see the cache example module. and the Cache API in Drupal 7 docs on drupal.org.

Below is a simple example:

if ($cache = cache_get('mymodule_cache_item')) {
  $data = $cache--->data; } else { $data = 'some data'; $expiration = date(U, strtotime('tomorrow')); cache_set('mymodule_cache_item', $data, 'cache', $expiration); } ?&gt; 

It is possible to get multiple cache items at once using <!--?php cache_get_multiple(array &$cids, $bin = 'cache'); ?-->.
It is possible to delete multiple cache items by using <!--?php cache_clear_all($cid = NULL, $bin = NULL, $wildcard = FALSE); ?-->, and setting $wildcard=TRUE>

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