Drupal Features - exporting page variants

Exporting panel variants:

The problem is that page manager creates some pretty generic handler names for page manager panels variants, for example:

$handler->name = 'node_view_panel_context_2';

This is likely to lead to code conflicts if multiple developers are simultaneously developing different content types.

So, after saving a panel variant in your feature, make the changes outlined below. Make sure machine name is under 33 characters. Then revert the feature:

Taken from a comment by Tim.Plunkett: http://drupal.org/node/813754#comment-5279070
..."editing the handler name" means changing three things:

In .info:
features[page_manager_handlers][] = "VARIANT_NAME"

In .pages_default.inc:

$handler->name = 'VARIANT_NAME';
$export['VARIANT_NAME'] = $handler;

It still would be very cool if this could be done in the UI.

Internal References

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Article Type
