Nov 19th, 2012
Here's a couple of quick examples of how to use the image cache API.
Drupal 6
<?php print theme('imagecache', $preset, $image['filepath'], $alt, $title, $attributes); // filepath is relative to base url (no leading slash) // attributes is an array. For example: print theme('imagecache', 'small', 'test.jpg', 'just a test image', 'test image', array('id'=>'small_image_id','class'=>'image','width'=>'100','height'=>'100')); // //get image dimensions $image = imageapi_image_open("sites/default/files/imagecache/mobile_event_gallery/$photoname"); $height = $image->info['height']; ?>
Drupal 7
<?php $img['fid'] = $fields['0']['fid']->content; $img['object'] = file_load($img['fid']); $img['url'] = is_object($img['object']) ? image_style_url('frontpage_artwork', $img['object']->uri) : ''; $img['info'] = image_get_info($img['url']); $img['width'] = !empty($img['info']['width']) ? $img['info']['width'] : ''; $img['height'] = !empty($img['info']['height']) ? $img['info']['height'] : ''; // visiting $img[$url] will generate the image if it doesn't already exist. ?>
Drupal 8
<?php $render_array = array(); $file = File::load(1); $uri = $file->getFileUri(); $image = \Drupal::service('image.factory')->$uri; if ($image->isValid()) { $render_array = array( '#theme' => 'image_style', '#width' => $image->getWidth(), '#height' => $image->getHeight(), '#style_name' => 'thumbnail', '#uri' => $uri, ); } // Adds the file entity to the cache dependencies. // This will clear the cache for this entity whenever it is updated. $renderer = \Drupal::service('renderer'); $renderer->addCacheableDependency($render_array, $file); ?>