Nov 1st, 2017
Illustrator version
This page is written using Illustrator version 22 (CC 2018). Some instructions for CS6 are included.
Set up the .ai file
RGB Working space: sRGB IEC61966-2.1
From the Edit menu choose: Edit -> Color Setttings...
- Change the RGB working space to sRGB IEC61966-2.1
Document Color Mode: RGB
Always set the Document Color Mode to RGB when exporting to web. This can be done using the File menu: File -> Document Color Mode -> RGB color.
It's easiest to have a single artboard. It should be set to the same pixel dimensions as the final output size of the SVG.
Tracing Images (raster to vector) to minimize file size
- Use the "Tracing" workspace so that the appropriate window tabs are visible.
- Select the image layer you need to turn into vectors.
- In the Image Trace tab, start with the 3 color preset
- After the tracing calculation finishes, change the number of colors to the number of colors appropriate for the image and wait for recalculation
- Click the "Expand" button in the main toolbar
- Switch back to the "Web" workspace to see that the image has been replaced with new objects in the layer
- You may need to select the background layer that was created for the image and delete it to preserve transparency.
Export an SVG file with Illustrator 22.0.1+ (CS6 instructions below)
Using the file menu, choose File -> Export -> Export As...
In the dialog box that pops up:
- Choose SVG as the format.
- If you only have one artboard, leave the "Use Artboards" checkbox unchecked. Otherwise, you can check this box to have multiple files generated.
- Click the Export button, which will result in another dialog box. Choose the following options:
- Styling: Internal CSS
- Font: Convert To Outlines
- Images: Preserve
- Object IDs: Layer Names
- Decimal: 2
- Minify: Yes
- Responsive: Yes
- Click the OK button
Export an SVG with CS6
Using the file menu, choose File -> Save As...
In the dialog box that pops up:
- Choose SVG as the format.
- SVG Profile: SVG 1.1
- Font: Type: Convert to outline
- Image location: Link
- Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities: No
- Advanced Options:
- CSS Properties: Style Elements
- Include Unused Graphic Styles: No
- Decimal Places: 2
- Encoding: ISO 8859-1
- Slicing Data: No
- Responsive: Yes