How to Configure XDebug with Lando in IntelliJ or PHPStorm.

Thanks to Drupal Easy for providing the following page, which helped a lot:


Update your lando.yml to include XDebug:



Update IntelliJ / PHPStorm preferences

Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP

  • Add an include path: /Users/brooke/.lando/config/drupal9

Set a breakpoint in index.php.

Click the "Start Listening for PHP Debug Connections" button.

Visit your site, set the XDebug browser plugin to Debug, and refresh a page.

A popup will show in IntelliJ/PHPStorm, "Incoming Connection From Xdebug"; click Accept.


I used to have to do a lot more to get this working. If something doesn't work, perhaps try the Drupal Easy page and see if that works better for you.

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