"IP Geolocation Views & Maps (IPGV&M) makes it easy to create Views-based mapping solutions using the map renderer of your choice (Google, OpenLayers or Leaflet) with any location storage module of your choice, e.g. Get Locations, Geofield, Geolocation Field or Location. This allows you to pick and mix and bring together modules that without IPGV&M are incompatible. For example, you can break away from the Google look to realise a Leaflet-based solution with animated clustering and lots of map canvases and markers to choose from without you having to migrateall your Location nodes to Geofield.
More importantly IPGV&M adds some features you won't find as conveniently packaged elsewhere. These includemarker appearance differentiation based on field values or ranges, various centering options, marker tags and tool tips.
Finally IPGV&M provides a set of visitor location retrieval technologies, both IP and HTML5-based, so that you can track where past visits came from and where current visitors are located, superimposing their moving positions as markers on your maps.
IPGV&M displays your maps via any of the three main Javascript mapping APIs. Just pick the one you like best for your solution. Our choice for most use-cases is Leaflet, but Google and OpenLayers are great too:
o Google API v3 (included, no further modules required)
o Openlayers API (requires OpenLayers module)
o Leaflet API (requires Leaflet module)."