jQuery inherited links

This is useful when you need to make a wrapper clickable when there's a link inside it. Super handy for mobile work. Thanks to Jeremy Tredway for this snippet. Ask him if he has anything better as this code was made in 2012.
// check if empty
function notEmpty(val)
	return (val != null && val != '' && typeof val != 'undefined') ? true : false;
// init inherited links
function initInheritedLinks()
  var context = $('body');
  context.find('.inherit-permalink').click(function() {
    var permalink = $(this).find('.permalink:first');
    var href = permalink.attr('href');
    var target = permalink.attr('target');
    if (notEmpty(href))
      if (target == '_blank'){
      } else {
        document.location.href = href;
  context.find('.inherit-permalink .permalink').click(function(event) {
  * initialize functions

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