Nov 19th, 2012
Here's an example of stying the 'Also Bought' WPEcommerce cart component.
<div class="also_bought"> <h3>People who bought the <?php echo get_the_title(); ?> also bought:</h3> <table> <?php $product_array = array( $meta['wpcf-also_bought_product_id_1'], $meta['wpcf-also_bought_product_id_2'], $meta['wpcf-also_bought_product_id_3'], ); foreach ($product_array as $key => $product_id) { ?> <tr> <?php $product_price = '$' . get_post_meta( $product_id, '_wpsc_price', true ); $special_price = get_post_meta( $product_id, '_wpsc_special_price', true ); if ( $special_price ){ $product_price = '$' . $special_price; } $product_title = get_the_title($product_id); $product_thumb = get_post_meta( $product_id, 'wpcf-also_bought_thumb', true ); $product_heading = get_post_meta( $product_id, 'wpcf-heading', true ); $product_url = get_post_permalink($product_id); ?> <td> <img src="<?php echo $product_thumb; ?>" title="<?php echo $product_title; ?>" /> </td> <td> <span class="also-bought-title"><?php echo $product_title; ?></span><br /> <span class="also-bought-heading"><?php echo $product_heading; ?></span><br /> <span class="also-bought-learn-more"><a href="<?php echo $product_url; ?>" title="Learn More">Learn More</a></span> </td> <td class="also-bought-pricing"> <span class="also-bought-button"><?php // echo wpsc_add_to_cart_button_loox_ajax($product_id); ?></span><br /> <span class="also-bought-button"><?php remove_filter('the_content', 'wpautop'); echo apply_filters('the_content',do_shortcode('[add_to_cart='.$product_id.']')); ?></span><br /> <span class="also-bought-price"><?php echo $product_price; ?></span> </td> </tr> <!-- <?php echo $product_id; ?> --> <?php } ?> </table> </div><!-- .also-bought -->