Smart Trim

Smart Trim implements a new field formatter for textfields (text, text_long, and text_with_summary, if you want to get technical) that improves upon the "Summary or Trimmed" formatter built into Drupal 7


From the project page: "Simplify allows particular fields to be hidden from the user interface. This helps to de-clutter forms and present a more user-friendly experience to content editors..."

Menu Minipanels

"A system for building "megamenu" -style (explanation) dropdown menus using Mini Panels, which provides tremendous flexibility in what can be displayed." Read documentation from Damien McKenna:

Real Name

"The RealName module allows the administrator to choose fields from the user profile that will be used to add a "real name" element (method) to a user object. Hook_user is used to automatically add this to any user object that is loaded. It will also optionally set all nodes and comments to show this name."