File Aliases

The File Aliases module allows you to use token customizable aliases for your uploaded files, giving you the ability to keep your file system organized as per usual while providing clean looking paths (i.e., no more '/sites/default/files/').


It's been awhile since I've used it. It provides a location field. From what I remember, it's a little buggy. Quote from Mediacurrent, "Address Field - I used to use the Location module fairly often and in early Drupal 7 I used this module. I tend to like the Geofield module a lot more than these particular modules."

Address Field

Works well with Geocoder. Used in Drupal Commerce. Quote from Mediacurrent: "Address Field - I used to use the Location module fairly often and in early Drupal 7 I used this module. I tend to like the Geofield module a lot more than these particular modules."


"Pathologic is an input filter which can correct paths in links and images in your Drupal content in situations which would otherwise cause them to “break;” for example, if the URL of the site changes, or the content was moved to a different server. Pathologic can also solve the problem of missing images and broken links in your site’s RSS feeds."

Label Trash

A nice way to add placeholders to input fields. "This module auto-converts form input fields with space-hogging labels into compact mobile-friendly input fields, with placeholders that animate into much smaller labels the moment text is keyed in. "


"Maxlength allows you to set maximum length of any field on any form making use of the form API. This includes fields created using the UI. (Example: any text field on a node)

Views Autocomplete Filters

Get autocomplete working for views exposed filters. From the project page: Add autocomplete functionality to the views filter text fields. It works for node titles or cck text fields. The autocomplete results are actually the view results, so they are view related. How to use it: (New) Video Tutorial :