Node changes

Used on, "This module stores the changes of a node into a field attached to comments allowing to display a kind-of activity stream on the node much like on issues just with a lot less custom code."

Extended File Field

The gist: "This module extends the functionality of the core 'file' field, adding new capabilities to the file upload widget, and providing a new extendible field formatter for displaying lists of files."

Unique field

"This module performs additional validation when a node is created or updated by a user to require that a node's title, author, language, and CCK fields are unique within a given context." There are many different contexts including content type. So, for example, you could make sure that nodes of a certain content type have unique titles.

Options Element

Not really needed most of the time unless you find that you want to be able to have a prettier way of providing values for multi-value key|value lists.

"Options Element is a module that provides a better mechanism to specify select list, checkbox, and radio button options. Rather than requiring the user to use strange syntax like "key|value" in a textarea, Options Element provides a clean interface for specifying options. Developers may

Automatic Nodetitles

"auto_nodetitle" is a small and efficient module that allows hiding of the content title field in the form. To prevent empty content title fields one can configure it to generate the title by a given pattern.

When the token module is installed it's possible to use various node data for the
auto generated title - e.g. use the text of a CCK field (since 5.x).
