
"Geofield is a module for storing geographic data in Drupal 7. It supports all geo-types (points, lines, polygons, multitypes etc.)"

Flag Weights

"This is a very simple module that adds a 'weight' field to the tables already used by the excellent Flag module. This weight can then be used to provide ordering of flagged items. This module also provides a Views field which can be used to sort flagged items. One interesting use of this ability is to integrate with Draggable Views to create a user-sortable list of flagged items"

Node changes

Used on, "This module stores the changes of a node into a field attached to comments allowing to display a kind-of activity stream on the node much like on issues just with a lot less custom code."

Automatic Nodetitles

"auto_nodetitle" is a small and efficient module that allows hiding of the content title field in the form. To prevent empty content title fields one can configure it to generate the title by a given pattern.

When the token module is installed it's possible to use various node data for the
auto generated title - e.g. use the text of a CCK field (since 5.x).
