File entity (fieldable files)

"File entity provides interfaces for managing files. It also extends the core file entity, allowing files to be fieldable, grouped into types, viewed (using display modes) and formatted using field formatters. File entity integrates with a number of modules, exposing files to Views, Entity API, Token and more."

File Aliases

The File Aliases module allows you to use token customizable aliases for your uploaded files, giving you the ability to keep your file system organized as per usual while providing clean looking paths (i.e., no more '/sites/default/files/').


It's been awhile since I've used it. It provides a location field. From what I remember, it's a little buggy. Quote from Mediacurrent, "Address Field - I used to use the Location module fairly often and in early Drupal 7 I used this module. I tend to like the Geofield module a lot more than these particular modules."


"Maxlength allows you to set maximum length of any field on any form making use of the form API. This includes fields created using the UI. (Example: any text field on a node)