Region View Modes

"A surprisingly simple, flexible layout solution made possible by placing fields in regions. Region View Modes is just a bit of glue to join Drupal's theme regions and View Modes."


CKEditor is new favorite rich text editor however I prefer to use the WYSIWYG module because it seems to have better media module support. This module, however, is needed if you plan to use the Scald module. If unsure, then I suggest using the WYSIWYG module instead.

Bundle copy

Bundle Copy is in Drupal 8 Core CMI. It is a replacement for the Content copy module which lives in the CCK project for Drupal 6.

Image Resize Filter

"The easiest end-user solution for resizing inline images.

This filter makes it easy to resize images, especially when combined with a WYSIWYG editor such as tinyMCE or CKeditor. Users never have to worry about scaling image sizes again, just insert an image and set it's height and width properties in HTML (this is done automatically by WYSIWYG editors) and the image is resized on output to match the HTML."

Field Conditional States

With the Field Conditional State module you can change the state of any supported fields form element depending on the content of other fields. This is done by providing an UI for Drupal's States API. All the changes made to a form by FCS (Field Conditional States) utilize only the States API and therefore are clientside only.

Override Node Options

This module "allows permissions to be set to each field within the Authoring information and Publishing options field sets on the node form. It also allows selected field sets to be set as collapsed and / or collapsible."