Label Trash

A nice way to add placeholders to input fields. "This module auto-converts form input fields with space-hogging labels into compact mobile-friendly input fields, with placeholders that animate into much smaller labels the moment text is keyed in. "


"Maxlength allows you to set maximum length of any field on any form making use of the form API. This includes fields created using the UI. (Example: any text field on a node)

Extended File Field

The gist: "This module extends the functionality of the core 'file' field, adding new capabilities to the file upload widget, and providing a new extendible field formatter for displaying lists of files."


"The Webform2PDF Drupal module is an extension of the Webform module. It can be used to generate PDF document from the results of a form. The generated PDF document can be attached to the form summary e-mail sent by Webform module, or it can be downloaded from the /Results/ page. Different PDF templates can be set for each form. The templates can be formatted with HTML tags, and they can be edited with WYSIWYG Drupal module, making the template

Webform Rules

"Did you ever want to react on webform submission using rules but couldn't find the proper event? Webform Rules makes it possible to catch webform submissions by rules and do whatever you'd like to do with it (meaning: do whatever rules let you do with it)."

Webform Validation

adds the ability to validate form submission data using a bunch of preset rules
  • Numeric values (optionally specify min and / or max value)
  • Minimum length
  • Maximum length
  • Minimum number of words
  • Maximum number of words
  • Equal values on multiple fields
  • Unique values on multiple fields
  • Specific value
  • Require at least one of