Config in Code (CINC)

"Config in Code (CINC) is designed with a code-first approach to Drupal configuration. CINC has no web interface, and does not export configuration to code, like Features or Configuration Management does. CINC assumes you're writing code to manage configuration and makes that as easy as possible. For an experienced developer, writing config with CINC should be faster than using a browser."


The Payment module is a simple way to do commerce. See The Payment Module: A Simpler Alternative to Drupal Commerce,


The Commerce module is a robost e-commerce solution for Drupal. Its ecosystem includes many contributed modules and a large community for support.


"The Paranoia module attempts to identify all the places that a user can evaluate PHP via Drupal's web interface and then block those. It reduces the potential impact of an attacker gaining elevated permission on a Drupal site."

Javascript cookies

I use to use custom code for setting and getting cookies. Now I just use jquery.cookie, which can be found here: I've included my old cookie code below, just for historical reference :)