Owl Carousel

Uses views to create slides. Is touch sensitive and responsive. Looks very nice but I haven't used it. Marking it as a common module because I have a feeling that is what it will become to me. Uses the Owl Carousel jquery plugin.

Block Reference

"Defines a field type Block reference which allows the block to be displayed as the content of the field." Alternately, if the bean module is enabled, blocks can be referenced using the entity reference module instead.


This module, in a basic sense, allows the title to be an actual Drupal field. This comes in especially handy when doing translations, as titles are not translatable in core.

Smart Trim

Smart Trim implements a new field formatter for textfields (text, text_long, and text_with_summary, if you want to get technical) that improves upon the "Summary or Trimmed" formatter built into Drupal 7

Field Conditional States

With the Field Conditional State module you can change the state of any supported fields form element depending on the content of other fields. This is done by providing an UI for Drupal's States API. All the changes made to a form by FCS (Field Conditional States) utilize only the States API and therefore are clientside only.