Entity cache

Install this if you are using Memcache... you are using Memcache or something besides the DB, right??? From the project page:

File entity (fieldable files)

"File entity provides interfaces for managing files. It also extends the core file entity, allowing files to be fieldable, grouped into types, viewed (using display modes) and formatted using field formatters. File entity integrates with a number of modules, exposing files to Views, Entity API, Token and more."

Solr Devel

Developing with Apache Solr? Then you pretty much gotta have this installed. It will show you the entire Drupal Solr entity in a subtab next to the normal devel subtabs.


The only thing I've used Schema for is for easily seeing the differences between what's in the db and what Drupal expects to be there. Very handy for cleaning up a dirty db :) This module can also be used to do all sorts of other db related stuff and has an API used by other modules.

Administration Views

Replaces administrative overview/listing pages with Views, including Views Bulk Operations.

This module should not be enabled in production environments. These views should be used as starting points or examples only and should be exported and used in custom modules if they are to be used in a production environment.

Module Builder

Easily create a scaffolding for a module. Gives a nice UI with a full list of hooks to be included, all organized into collapsable sections. Try it out. It might save you some time.


This module shows if Drupal or any of its modules have been changed. If you have the Diff module installed, it will show you the exact lines changed.


This module integrates with so many other modules but out of the box can show you detailed node revision diffs.