Jan 6th, 2014
To see what is indexed on each entity, use the Solr Devel module.
To debug the requests that get sent to Solr with the apachesolr module, you can use the devel module to dpm the $params variable in the DrupalApacheSolrService::search() method. As of this writing, that means doing something like this at around line 936 in Drupal_Apache_Solr_Service.php:
<?php if ($method == 'GET') { $searchUrl = $this->_constructUrl(self::SEARCH_SERVLET, array(), $queryString); // Displays the solr paremeters using the devel module. dpm($params); // Displays the URI that is being requested from Solr. dpm(str_replace('&', "\n&", urldecode($searchUrl))); return $this->_sendRawGet($searchUrl); } ?>