Mar 16th, 2018
I don't like the keyword "this" in JS. I never use it. I got the idea from watching Douglas Crockford presentations. I also never use classes in JS; they are pointless to me. Here's a couple of examples of how I do things without classes and without the use of "this".
(function($) { /** * Example of thing that returns a boolean without using the "this" keyword. */ var ThingThatReturnsBoolean = (function() { // Sets up the variable that will be returned. var BooleanToReturn = false; // Creates a private variable. var APrivateVariable = 3; // A private function. var APrivateFunction = function() { // Code... }; // A private Object. var APrivateObject = {}; // More private code which could change BooleanToReturn or APrivateObject... return BooleanToReturn; })(); /** * Example of returning an object without using the "this" keyword. */ var ThingThatReturnsAnObject = (function() { // Initializes an object to return. var ObjectToReturn = { someProperty: '', someOtherProperty: {} }; // Adds a new property to the object. ObjectToReturn.someNewThing = 'new thing'; // More private code which could extend ObjectToReturn... return ObjectToReturn; })(); })(jQuery);