Image Resize Filter

"The easiest end-user solution for resizing inline images.

This filter makes it easy to resize images, especially when combined with a WYSIWYG editor such as tinyMCE or CKeditor. Users never have to worry about scaling image sizes again, just insert an image and set it's height and width properties in HTML (this is done automatically by WYSIWYG editors) and the image is resized on output to match the HTML."

Panels Everywhere

Let panels take over the whole page. From d.o:
"Panels Everywhere is an advanced method to completely do away with Drupal's restrictive blocks system and instead use the much more freeing Panels Layout system to control how your pages look. Panels Everywhere modifies the page as it is being rendered to 'wrap' the content in a display and can even take over your page theme to do away with the need for a page.tpl.php."