Panels Breadcrumbs

"Panels Breadcrumbs allows you to set your breadcrumbs directly from Panels configuration, and also allows you to take advantage from Panels arguments and contexts as placeholder tokens."

Image Style Quality

"Set JPG quality per image style
This module allows you to specify a custom quality on different image styles you create. After installing and enabling this module, you will have the option to add a new effect to your image styles, enabling you to change the quality."

Owl Carousel

Uses views to create slides. Is touch sensitive and responsive. Looks very nice but I haven't used it. Marking it as a common module because I have a feeling that is what it will become to me. Uses the Owl Carousel jquery plugin.

Block Reference

"Defines a field type Block reference which allows the block to be displayed as the content of the field." Alternately, if the bean module is enabled, blocks can be referenced using the entity reference module instead.


A feature packed layout tool that grows on you. Used by many many websites.


This module uses the FitVids.js library for fluid width video embeds (e.g. flash video in <iframe>s). You don't need it for pure HTML5 videos.
It supports YouTube, Vimeo, and Kickstarter by default, and can use it with other video providers like Dailymotion or Viddler.